Monday, May 04, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey movie download - not being able to sit for a week

I ordered Fifty Shades of Grey from iTunes on Friday night and happily downloaded the movie. I then stayed up till 02:30 on Saturday morning watching the flick.

I love the movie. One of these days, I will go into why I do. I continue to refuse reading the trilogy.

When Ana wakes up in Christian's hotel room, they talk. He tells her that getting drunk isn't a good idea. She agrees.
 "If you were mine, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week," Christian said, moments before he takes a bite of Ana's toast from her hand.
I love that line. My guy says something similar to me, except that I am his.


  1. Happy you enjoyed the move CB...will be interested in reading your review after you and your guy watch it together. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...

    1. I love the movie so much! I look forward to watching it with my guy and writing about the experience soon.
